We lie to ourselves every day: about how well we drive, how much we're enjoying ourselves - even how good looking we are. In this ground-breaking book, Robert Trivers examines not only how we self-deceive, but also why, taking fascinating examples from aviation disasters, con artists, sexual betrayals and conflicts within families. Revealing, provocative and witty, Deceit and Self-Deception is one of the most vital books written this century, and will make you rethink everything that you think you know. 'Original and important . . . remarkable, thick with ideas.' Financial Times 'One of the great thinkers in the history of Western thought.' Steven Pinker 'A swift tour of links between deception and evolutionary progress . . . fascinating.' Economist 'I devoured it from cover to cover . . . exhilarating.' Guardian 'A powerful book . . . essential for anyone who wants to try to counter their own unconscious biases.' Independent
The Touchstone is a novella by the American writer and novelist Edith Wharton that follows the story of the lawyer Stephen Glennard.
By sheer good fortune Carpenter had recently taken out a £ 100 insurance policy with a firm called GRIP ( Goodfellow Rebecca Ingrams Pearson Ltd ) to protect him against being ' abducted , impregnated or eaten by aliens .
Printed Sources Appleby , Joyce , Lynn Hunt , and Margaret Jacob . Telling the Truth About History . New York : Norton , 1994 . Bouwsma , William J. John Calvin : A Sixteenth - Century Portrait . Oxford : Oxford University Press ...
Искусство обольщения: роман
Feyre is a huntress.
In her book A Little Light Friction , Val Hennessy recalls how she was once quoted on the cover of a new paperback release , Who's Really Who by Richard Compton Miller . She was reported as saying ' People will rush out and buy this ...
Betrayers of the Truth
With simple clarity, this book opens your eyes to identify deceit and illusion by separating the treasures of truth from the world of spin.
Excuses, Excuses: How to Duck, Weave and Wriggle Out of Any Situation
This book offers special insights into the nature of spiritual fraud in history and in modern America. Even while Jesus told his followers to be as harmless as doves, he also reminded them to be as wise as serpents. Neither is easy.