An absorbing study of Hitler and Stalin, ranging from their private and public selves, their ascents to power and consolidation of absolute rule, to their waging of massive war and creation of far- flung empires of camps and prisons.
In this first major study of the two dictatorships side-by-side Richard Overy sets out to answer the question: How was dictatorship possible? How did they function? What was the bond that tied dictator and people so powerfully together?
The Way of the Dictators
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1988); Michael Ross, “Political Economy of Resource Curse,” World Politics 51 (1999): 297–322; Jeffrey D. Sachs and Andrew M. Warner, “Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth,” Working Paper ...
An esteemed Foreign Affairs editor and journalist analyzes the ongoing battle between dictatorships and those who oppose them, tracing uprisings in such nations as Egypt, Tunisia and Libya while exploring the sophisticated resources and ...
The Age of the Dictators presents a comprehensive survey of the origins and interrelationship of the European dictatorships.
"A harrowing tour of 'dictator literature' in the twentieth-century, featuring the soul-killing prose and poetry of Hitler, Mao, and many more, which shows how books have sometimes shaped the world for the worse." -- From book jacket.
Jackson, “Technological Development," 201; “Railways in Guatemala,“ New York Times, March 1], 1899. 13. Milton A. Kallis to Victor A. Kramer and W. Perry Epes, December 20. 1952, DOJ, File 60-166-56, 3; Hosmer, "Guatemala," Consular ...
The dictator novel has become a space in which writers consider the difficulties of national consolidation, explore the role of external and global forces in sustaining dictatorship, and even interrogate the political functions of writing ...
With Levinson's help he started signing up movie folk as second lieutenants or enlisted men in the 164th and 165th Photographic Companies. Warner Bros. executives winked as Levinson spent his working hours interviewing candidates ...
Europe of the Dictators, 1919-1945