In July 1942, thirteen-year-old Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the occupation, went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse. Over the next two years Anne vividly describes in her diary the frustrations of living in such close quarters, and her thoughts, feelings and longings as she grows up. Her diary ends abruptly when, in August 1944, they were all betrayed. First published over sixty years ago, Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girlhas reached millions of young people throughout the world. BBC TV's major new dramatization brings her extraordinary writing to life in a way that will engage and inspire a whole new generation. 'One of the greatest books of the last century' - Guardian
Board at ( 2 ) Bordewijk G4 Stark modern design , and elabo- Egelantiersgracht 12 ( Café ' t Noordermarkt 7 , t 624 3899 ; bus 18 , rate modern cuisine . Highly Smalle ) . 22. Open Tues - Sun 6.30-10.30pm . fashionable spot where the ...
Amsterdam: The Rough Guide
Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of Miep Gies who Helped to Hide the Frank Family
It seems as if we are never far from Miep's thoughts....Yours, Anne For the millions moved by Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, here at last is Miep's own astonishing story.
Miep Gies tells of the years she and her husband helped hide the Franks from the Nazis and of the diary--Anne's legacy--that she gave to Otto Frank.
For use in teaching literature to high school students.
Study Guide for Anne Frank Remembered, the Story of the Woman who Helped to Hide the Frank Family
Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of Miep Gies who Helped to Hide the Frank Family
Herinneringen aan Anne Frank (1929-1945) en haar familie.
En Después de Auschwitz Eva Schloss comparte con el lector lo que nadie había contado hasta ahora: todo lo que sucede cuando uno sobrevive a una tragedia a la que jamás pensó que sobreviviría; cómo la supervivencia de verdad empieza ...