Medea and Other Plays

Medea and Other Plays
Medea and Other Plays
Penguin UK


That proud, impassioned soul, so ungovernable now that she has felt the sting of injustice’ ‘Medea’, in which a spurned woman takes revenge upon her lover by killing her children, is one of the most shocking and horrific of all the Greek tragedies. Dominating the play is Medea herself, a towering and powerful figure who demonstrates Euripides’ unusual willingness to give voice to a woman’s case. ‘Alcestis’, a tragicomedy, is based on a magical myth in which Death is overcome, and ‘The Children of Heracles’ examines the conflict between might and right, while ‘Hippolytus’ deals with self-destructive integrity and moral dilemmas. These plays show Euripides transforming the awesome figures of Greek mythology into recognizable, fallible human beings. John Davie’s accessible prose translation is accompanied by a general introduction and individual prefaces to each play. Previously published as Alcestis and Other Plays

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