Witchcraft, astrology, divination and every kind of popular magic flourished in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, from the belief that a blessed amulet could prevent the assaults of the Devil to the use of the same charms to recover stolen goods. At the same time the Protestant Reformation attempted to take the magic out of religion, and scientists were developing new explanations of the universe. Keith Thomas's classic analysis of beliefs held on every level of English society begins with the collapse of the medieval Church and ends with the changing intellectual atmosphere around 1700, when science and rationalism began to challenge the older systems of belief.
This important collection brings together both established figures and new researchers to offer fresh perspectives on the ever-controversial subject of the history of witchcraft.
BOYER , P. , and NISSENBAUM , S. , Salem Possessed : The Social Origins of Witchcraft ( London , 1974 ) . BRADY , D. , * 1666 : The Year of the Beast ' , Bull . John Rylands Library , 61 ( 1978-9 ) , 314_36 .
This volume charts the processes and reasons for the decriminalisation of witchcraft but also challenges the widespread assumption that Europe has been 'disenchanted'.
This collection of essays considers the place of magic in the modern world, first by exploring the ways in which modernity has been defined in explicit opposition to magic and superstition, and then by illuminating how modern proponents of ...
This book presents twenty chapters by experts in their fields, providing a thorough and interdisciplinary overview of the theory and practice of magic in the West.
had recently been accused of extorting money from a woman in the Ballymena area.30 In October 1857, at Dublin Police Court, travelling fortuneteller Mary Stewart was accused by Margaret Purcell and Catherine Daly of stealing a number of ...
In this ground-breaking book, D. Michael Quinn masterfully reconstructs an earlier age, finding ample evidence for folk magic in nineteenth-century New England, as he does in Mormon founder Joseph Smith's upbringing.
This vintage book comprises three famous Malinowski essays on the subject of religion. Malinowski is one of the most important and influential anthropologists of all time.
See Peter König, Der Grosse Theodor-Reuss-Reader (Munich: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Religions- und Weltanschauungsfragen, 1997), 245. 4. Max Weber, “Science as Vocation” (Wissenschaftals Beruf), originally a speech delivered at Munich ...
“God Killed Saul: Heinrich Bullinger and Jacob Ruef on the Power of the Devil.” In Werewolves. Graeter, Jacob. Hexen oder Unholden Predigten. Tübingen, 1589. Graf, Fritz. Magic in the Ancient World. Trans. Franklin Philip.