'An intellectual hero ... A superb celebrator of science in all its manifestations' Ian McEwan 'Darwin's great successor' Jeffrey Sachs The legendary biologist Edward O. Wilson offers his most philosophically probing work to date 'Creativity is the unique and defining trait of our species; and its ultimate goal, self-understanding,' begins Edward Wilson's sweeping examination of the humanities and their relationship to the sciences. By studying fields as diverse as paleontology, evolutionary biology and neuroscience, Wilson demonstrates that human creativity began not 10,000 years ago, as we have long assumed, but over 100,000 years ago in the Paleolithic Age. Chronicling the evolution of creativity from primates to humans, Wilson shows how the humanities, in large part spurred on by the invention of language, have played a previously unexamined role in defining our species. Exploring a surprising range of creative endeavors - the instinct to create gardens; the use of metaphors and irony in speech; or the power of music and song - Wilson proposes a transformational 'Third Enlightenment' in which the blending of science and the humanities will enable us to gain a deeper understanding of the human condition, and how it ultimately originated.
创新为何总难以实现?破坏力巨大的创新由什么力量所驱动?我们应如何评估创新, 又应如何实现创新?美国"商业周刊"主编, 创新及设计领域先锋思想者努斯鲍姆终于找出答案! ...
Don't Take Any Wooden Nickels: An Inquiry Into and Application of the Creative Process in Your Life
This is the story of a persistent problem and the child who isn't so sure what to make of it.
This is the story of a persistent problem and the child who isn't so sure what to make of it.
本书讲述:我有一个奇怪的小念头, 但是它看起来脆弱而且古怪, 起初, 我并不在意它, 假装它不属于我.但是我走到哪儿, 它跟到哪儿.于是我把它藏了起来, 从不向他人提起 ...
You are unique. Just the odds of you being here at this exact place and this exact time are so great and so rare that they will never happen again. This is a story for everything you will do and everything you could be.
A boy has an idea which makes him uncomfortable at first but he discovers it is magical and that, no matter what other people say, he should give it his attention.
Marcuse ( 1964 ) sees bourgeois culture containing two necessary parts : material culture consisting of social and economic practices including work , family , education and leisure among others , and intellectual culture involving ...
These programs are often christened with names of famous creative individuals, such as OCCAM, BACON, GALILEO, GLAUBER, STAHL, FAHRENHEIT, BLACK, and DALTON. And these tags are not wholly incidental. For example, BACON specializes in the ...
One example of an attempt to externalize the drivers of creativity is the work of Michael Gibbons and colleagues , who argue that Mode 1 research , curiosity - driven and university - controlled , is progressively being superseded by ...