The author of American Nations examines the history of and solutions to the key American question: how best to reconcile individual liberty with the maintenance of a free society The struggle between individual rights and the good of the community as a whole has been the basis of nearly every major disagreement in our history, from the debates at the Constitutional Convention and in the run up to the Civil War to the fights surrounding the agendas of the Federalists, the Progressives, the New Dealers, the civil rights movement, and the Tea Party. In American Character, Colin Woodard traces these two key strands in American politics through the four centuries of the nation’s existence, from the first colonies through the Gilded Age, Great Depression and the present day, and he explores how different regions of the country have successfully or disastrously accommodated them. The independent streak found its most pernicious form in the antebellum South but was balanced in the Gilded Age by communitarian reform efforts; the New Deal was an example of a successful coalition between communitarian-minded Eastern elites and Southerners. Woodard argues that maintaining a liberal democracy, a society where mass human freedom is possible, requires finding a balance between protecting individual liberty and nurturing a free society. Going to either libertarian or collectivist extremes results in tyranny. But where does the “sweet spot” lie in the United States, a federation of disparate regional cultures that have always strongly disagreed on these issues? Woodard leads readers on a riveting and revealing journey through four centuries of struggle, experimentation, successes and failures to provide an answer. His historically informed and pragmatic suggestions on how to achieve this balance and break the nation’s political deadlock will be of interest to anyone who cares about the current American predicament—political, ideological, and sociological.
In this troubling time when the public is losing trust and confidence in our government, Jill Long Thompson shows us a bipartisan way forward.
• A New Republic Best Book of the Year • The Globalist Top Books of the Year • Winner of the Maine Literary Award for Non-fiction • Particularly relevant in understanding who voted for who in this presidential election year, this is ...
A look at "victimism" in the United States criticizes the ways in which individuals define themselves by their status as victims--of parents, men, the workplace, stress, drugs, food, and physical characteristics This book has its origins in ...
Here Henríquez seamlessly interweaves the story of these star-crossed lovers, and of the Rivera and Toro families, with the testimonials of men and women who have come to the United States from all over Latin America.
Jefferson to William Johnson, March 4, 1823, Ford, X, 246–49. 47. John Adams to Jefferson, July [3], 1813, Cappon, II, 349; John Marshall, The Life of George Washington (5 vols., Philadelphia, 1804–07), V, 33; Franklin B. Sawvel, ed., ...
... in Middletown in the 1920s and found that only about one-fifth of the town's adults were typically there (358); Caplow et al., ... 143; Ronsvalle and Ronsvalle, “An End?” and Amerson and Stephenson, “Decline or Transformation”).
The bestselling Booknotes series celebrates C-SPAN's 25th anniversary with a new collection examining our country and its character. Over the past twenty-five years, C-SPAN has established itself as a national...
This volume presents three major social types in American society-heroes, villains, and fools-as models for American behaviour.
Griffin, “Courier of Crisis,” 49–50, 57–62. For the challenges faced by railroad mail clerks, see Rubio, There's Always Work at the Post Office, 31. See also Glenn, History of the National Alliance. 24. Orr interview by Grundy. 25.
In this highly acclaimed book, Charles Royster explores the mental processes and emotional crises that Americans faced in their first national war.