Charts the rise of America's surveillance state throughout the past quarter century, arguing that government strategy has made it harder to catch terrorists and easier to spy on everyday citizens.
The Lost Art of Enochian Magic. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books. John DeSalvo, P. (2011). Decoding the Enochian Secrets. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books. Laycock, D. C. (2001). The Complete Enochian Dictionary. Boston, MA: Weiser Books.
A “superior thriller”(Oakland Press) about a man, a dog, and a terrifying threat that could only have come from the imagination of #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz—nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by ...
Every hour, childlike Marc Rochat circles the Lausanne cathedral as the watchmen have done for centuries.
Rebellious and unhappy at being shipped off to live with strange kinfolk in the mountains of West Virginia, a young boy is drawn into an ancient conflict that moves back...
Efforts to trace this legend to the Book ofGiants recovered at Qumran and attested in early Manichaean sources have ... John C. Reeves,Jewish Lore in Manichaean Cosmogony: Studies in the Book of Giants Traditions (Cincinnati: Hebrew ...
This is the outcome of a dream first hatched almost three decades ago, and The Watchers is an engrossing, unnerving wake-up call.
This book contains the photographer's series of photographs "Wait Watchers" in which she photographs the reactions of passers-by to her presence, which went viral in 2013.
Is life offering fewer and fewer options?
In the world of Memye Curtis Tucker's poetry, the observed are on display, on trial, on guard, or disappearing, and often changed by the eyes upon them; the gazers are...
The Watchers is a riveting exploration of loyalty, faith, betrayal, and deception with the highest possible stakes, in a world poised between the Middle Ages and modernity.