A member of the Council on Foreign Relations provides an analysis of America's narrow-minded focus on security in the years since World War II that has become huge, unwieldy and a detriment to democracy and the economy. 30,000 first printing.
Discovery Health (Discovery) is a private healthcare funder in South Africa.
Martha Johnson brought a new vision of government, based on trust, to the General Services Administration. Then an 'over the top' conference at a Las Vegas resort forced her to resign. What remains of Johnson's vision?
Crisis decision making. The centralization thesis revisited. Administration & Society, 25(1), 12–45. Hewitt, K. (Ed.) (1983). Interpretation of calamity: From the viewpoint of human ecology. Boston: Allen and Unwin.
The Essential Guide to Managing Corporate Crises: A Step-by-step Handbook for Surviving Major Catastrophes
Damage Control: Why Everything You Know about Crisis Management is Wrong
Comfort, L., Wisner, B., Cutter., S. Pulwarty, R., Hewitt, K., Oliver-Smith, A., Wiener, J., Fordham., M., Peacock, W., and Krimgold, F. (1999). “Reframing Disaster Policy: The Global Evolution of Vulnerable Communities.
Robert Metcalf , a Ph.D. microbiologist from Sacramento , California , has ... Dr. Metcalf can pasteurize one gallon of water in the summer in four hours with this simple system . The heated water can also be kept hot for a long time by ...
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Step-by-step
The Adversity Challenge: How Successful Leaders Bounce Back from Setbacks
This handbook provides detailed security procedures to protect facilities against terrorism and violent crimes.