The book fills a niche in the health professions programs because of its theoretical approach, its emphasis on strategies and methods for clinical interventions, and its importance of strategies for practice and self-assessment.
'Journey to Khiva' is a book of travels among the remote cities and deserts of Russian Central Asia – Bokhara and Samarcand as well as Khiva and the River Oxus – where in the last century British and Russian imperialism clashed in the ...
In Defense of Greater Central Asia
Politics in Central Asia puzzle and frustrate western observers.
... conditions had deteriorated , from environmentally hazardous areas , or from those in which violence was on the increase ( Clem 1993 : 231 ) ; perceived loss of dignity and language difficulties were other causes ( Dunlop 1994 ) .
本书从中俄各自在中亚的利益出发, 通过对中俄在中亚的利益的比较分析, 辨明中俄在中亚的共同利益, 利益差异, 进而对如何进一步扩大共同利益, ...
本书详细地解读了中亚的经典旅游地,同时对交通,吃,住,购物,娱乐方面提供了众多的资讯,可为你的旅途免除后顾之忧.到中亚旅游,从签证入境到出境返航,从应急语言到旅行忠告等 ...
Account of the American expedition through Central Asia (1923-1928) written by the son of its leader, famous Russian artist Nicholas Roerich (Nikolaĭ Konstantinovich Rerikh)
El corazón de Asia
Сердце Азии: великая экспедиция Николая Рериха