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A young man rediscovers not only his childhood life and home, but an identity long-since left behind.
Introduces a crowd of colorful creatures, including crafty crocodiles, mischievous monkeys, and of course, loud lions. On board pages.
Kids will enjoy reading about lions in Asia and Africa, the network of aunts, sisters, and cousins in a lion pride, cubs and their involvement in the pride's work and play, and how they learn skills for the hunt.
This True Books: Animals series introduces readers in grades three through five to fascinating animals. Students learn about the lifecycles, homes, feeding and mating habits, special abilities, and everyday activities...
Presents an adaptation of Aesop's classic tale about an unlikely friendship between a mouse and a lion in which an act of mercy proves to be a lifesaving gesture.
Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc. Copyright © 2003 by Elizabeth Gatland Cover design by Angela Goddard 978-1-4804-3320-5 This edition published in 2013 by Open Road Integrated Media 345 Hudson ...
... Lions often rule the pride as a coalition of two or three. The coalition fights other males that try to take over the pride. The fight for the pride is fierce and can turn deadly. When a new coalition of lions takes over a pride, they ...
Discusses lions, their habits, and habitats and includes several lion-related aactivities.
In Africa and India, where lions live in the wild, they rule the open plains with their extraordinary strength. This lively photo essay offers an intriguing look at this magnificent big cat, both in captivity and in the wild.
TREE CLIMBING In certain areas, such as Queen Elizabeth Park in Uganda and Lake Manyara Park in Tanzania, lions have become famous for their habit of climbing and resting in trees. It has been suggested that the habit may have started ...