Retold out of the old romances, this collection of Arthurian tales endeavors to make each adventure--"The Quest for the Round Table, " "The First Quest of Sir Lancelot, " "How the Holy Grail Came to Camelot, " and so forth--part of a fixed pattern that effectively presents the whole story, as it does in Le Morte D'Arthur, but in a way less intimidating to young readers. (All Ages)
The most famous and influential work of English fantasy ever published, reimagined for a new generation of readers by John Matthews, one of the world’s leading Arthurian experts, and illustrated by internationally acclaimed Tolkien artist ...
Instilled with themes of loyalty, conflict, romance, and courage, these stories will fill readers of any age with wonder. Experience them in this edition of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
This handsome edition features 16 of Arthur Rackham's finest color illustrations, and Malory's text was edited for modern readers by English scholar Alfred W. Pollard.
In these wonderfully illustrated tales, renowned storyteller Howard Pyle carries us back to the enchanting world of King Arthur and his Round Table.
Then King Arthur got his spear in both his hands, and ran towards Sir Modred, crying, 'Traitor, now is thy death-day come!' And when Sir Modred heard his words, and saw him come, he drew his sword and stood to meet him.
Full of adventure, magic, and romance, these are the timeless tales of Arthur, the great warrior king of Britain; his loyal knight Lancelot; the beautiful Queen Guinevere; and the mysterious Merlin.
Howard Pyle's classic tale of magic, bravery, and honor tells of the adventures of King Arthur.
Retells the exploits of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.