The forthright yet unassuming and engagingly honest memoirs of a publisher whose controversial books on domestic and foreign politics made his publishing house a force to be reckoned with.
"In 1999, the tenth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, leading dissident Jiang Qisheng was given a four-year sentence for inviting the Chinese people to light candles to honor the victims.
... Memoirs of a Dissident Publisher, 36–37. The name change became official on Sep. 9, 1947. 21. Regnery, Memoirs of a Dissident Publisher, 36–41. 22. Though the phrase “marketplace of ideas” was not coined until 1953, the concept traces ...
He tells the story of how conservatism began as networks of intellectuals, developing and institutionalizing a vision that grew over time, until they began to buckle under new pressures, resembling national populist movements.
... Memoirs of a Dissident Publisher (Chicago: Regnery Publishing, 1985), 26—30. 20. Felix Morley, “For Yalta, Read Munich,” Human Events (October 1945): 1—4. 21. William Henry Chamberlin, America 's Second Crusade (Chicago: Regnery Publishing ...
But Ron Robinson and Nicole Hoplin, leaders of Young America's Foundation, set the record straight in Funding Fathers: The Unsung Heroes of the Conservative Movement.
... John Wilson, 33–34 Danton, Georges Jacques, 170 D'Arcy, Martin, 11 Davidson, Donald, 18 Dawson, Christopher, 11 Decadence and Renewal in the Higher Learning (Kirk), xii, 170, 178 Decter, Midge, 206 Democracy of the dead (Chesterton) ...
A ; Robert S. Greenberger and Karby Legett , “ President's Dream : Changing Not Just Regime but a Region , ” Wall Street ... See Tom Donnelly , “ Swift Invasion , Slow Victory , ” The Weekly Standard , May 17 , 2004 , 12-14 ; Stephen F.
The Christian Reconstructionist Gary North melded Christian Reconstructionism with Austrian Economics – which I discuss at length in Chapter 3, “Stories About Markets.” In the late 1960s through the 1970s, North, who has a PhD in ...
This comprehensive account identifies different strands of conservative thought while it analyzes the current state and future prospects of conservatism.
... 566 Lytle, Andrew Nelson, 20, 69, 83, 84, 87, 169,214, 216,533,579, 781, 799 MacArthur, Douglas, 137, 194,444, 534–35, 826 Macaulay, Susan Schaeffer, 401 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 184, 355,501 MacBride, Roger, 504 Macdonald, Dwight,