An overview of the lifestyle and changing role of the knight during the Middle Ages.
The monastic movement founded by Benedict at Monte Cassino had great influence on the subsequent history of the Church . Through the efforts of Pope Gregory , Saint Augustine , and other reformers , Benedict's rules became the accepted ...
mit Spindler - Schülern besetzt « , erregte sich Karl Bosl gegenüber Schlesinger über die Ausdehnung der Münchener Geschichtswissenschaft im Kreis um Max Spindler.80 Doch auch andernorts wurde gelegentlich an den üblichen ...
The medieval period of European history was packed with dramatic events: wars, coronations, pageants and plagues affected everyone.
4 K. E. Lacey , ' Women and work in fourteenth- and fifteenth - century London ' , in L. Charles and L. Duffin ( eds . ) Women and Work in Pre - Industrial England , London , 1985 , pp . 24-82 ; C. M. Barron , ' The “ Golden Age ” of ...
Dawn of the Middle Ages
This is a radical new examination of relations between rulers, nobles, and freemen, the distillation of wide-ranging research by a leading medieval historian. It has revolutionized the way we think of the Middle Ages.
A highly-illustrated series that explores the lives of people in past civilisations
... son of Pippin II 27 Duasdives (Moncontour de Poitou) 38 duke (dux) 22, 44, 50, 51 Eanbald, archbishop of York 112 Eberhard, Master Butler 83 Ebro, valley of the 51, 65, 66, 67, 135 Ebroin, Neustrian Mayor of the Palace 26 Eder, ...
John Fleming has charged David Knowles with obtuseness for not recognizing that when , on the eve of the reformation , the abbot of Fountains wrote to the head of his order at Citeaux that he was sending him a shipment of roses and ...
KOEHLER , E. , ' Observations historiques et sociologiques sur la poésie des troubadours ' , Cahiers de Civilisation ... The Lancashire Pipe Rolls of 31 Henry I and of the reigns of Henry II , Richard I and King John ... also early ...