With real wit and heart, Gary Soto takes readers into the lives of young people.
Meet Carolina, who writes to Miss Manners for help not just with etiquette but with bigger messes in her life; Ronnie and Joey, who feel so alienated from their world that they spend their days as "Teenage Chimps"; Javier, who knows the stories his friend Veronica tells him are lies, but can't find a way to prove it; Adan, who to his own shame and horror watches as his dad becomes a victim of the "Raiders Nation"; and many other kids, each of them caught up in the difficulties of figuring out what it means to be alive.
Featuring contributions by Bram Stoker Award-winning authors, this terrifying collection of eighteen original supernatural stories explores the nature of the beast, taking readers face-to-face with vampires, hauntings, sacrifices, and ...
第二章伯恩斯在旅馆住了几周后,雇我为他放哨。他吩咐我如果看见有一条腿的男人来到旅馆,一定要立即告诉他。伯恩斯似乎很怕这个一条腿的人,所以我感到很好奇。这个任务好像没什么危险,我就答应了下来。伯恩斯每天晚上还是照旧喝朗姆酒,根本不把医生的劝告 ...
愛倫·坡的作品在全世界產生了巨大的影響,始終擁有大量的讀者。本書精選了他的25篇短篇小說,採用中文導讀英文版的形式出版。在中文導讀中,我們盡力使其貼近原作的精髓, ...
佩文西家四个兄弟姐妹彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露茜在一位老教授家做客,无意中发现衣橱后隐藏着一个神奇的魔法王国。这里的居民有羊怪、海狸、矮人、树精……但在阿斯兰离开纳 ...
本书是一部航海历险小说,也是一个少年成长与救赎的故事,主人公哈维·切尼是一个骄横跋扈,恣意妄为的富二代,因为阔少做派惹人反感而被人戏弄,被浪头卷到海中 ...
In that special half hour of twilight -- the dark-thirty -- you'll feel the spine-tingling horror of these tales: -- When a retired Pullman porter hears a ghostly whistle, he knows it's the last train he'll ever ride.
魔法界の昔ながらのベストセラー。ホグワーツの図書室でも大人気の『クィディッチ今昔』。この本を読めば、歴史やルール(と、ルール違反)など、クィディッチという高貴なス ...
讲述了一个三口之家,爸爸特别喜欢抽烟,但是在家里不让抽,后来城市里不让抽,最后整个地球都开始禁烟,爸爸会在哪里抽烟呢?哲学启发:故事强调环境如何改造人,提醒吸烟 ...
有个男孩名叫乔迪,他不知道什么是电视、什么是DVD或电动玩具。他和爸爸、妈妈住在森林里,每天让花、草、鸟、兽、天上的云和地底冒出的泉水……把他的生活填得满满的。他像 ...
《麦格希中英双语阅读文库·传奇故事系列:成长的烦恼(第2辑)(英汉对照)》讲述了“不要吵醒木乃伊”“比流星还要快”等校园故事,这些故事告诉孩子们在校园生活中应该怎 ...