Control , intimacy , and trust have been identified as three significant dimensions of interpersonal relationships ( Millar & Rogers , 1976 ; Rogers & Millar , 1988 ) . Rogers and Farce ( 1975 ) developed a method for conducting ...
Foundations of interpersonal communication - Culture and interpersonal communication - Perception of the self and others in interpersonal communication - Listening in interpersonal communication - Verbal messages - Nonverbal messages - ...
Kory Floyds approach to interpersonal communication stems from his research area where he studies the positive impact of communication on our health and well-being.
Featuring several all-new chapters, revisions, and updates, the Second Edition of A Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication presents an interdisciplinary collection of key readings that explore how interpersonal communication is ...
I gladly recommend this book as a rich resource for learning to build real community through effective communication." --Larry Crabb, NewWay Ministries; author of The Marriage Builder
Interpersonal Communication's unique goals-based approach allows for an accessible, practical presentation of the latest research, introducing the most current theories and ideas in the field while keeping students firmly rooted in the real ...
Covering a broad range of interpersonal communication themes, including strategic alternatives and solutions to communication challenges and information about friendship, family, romantic, and workplace relationships, this Second Edition ...
Source: Blair, C. A., Hoffman, B. J., & Heiiand, K. R. (2008). Narcissism in organizations: A multisource ap— praisal reflects different perspectives. Human Performance, 27(3), 254—276. INTERVIEVVING Your first full-time job after ...
This edition retains the subject matter strengths of the previous version and augments them with content that reflects new understandings of interpersonal communications, new communication technologies, and new organizational practices that ...
Understanding those complex interactions is one of the most important goals of the social sciences. Of the many disciplines that have contributed to that understanding, two take center stage in this book -- psychology and communication.
This book is different, however. This book on interpersonal communication follows in the spirit of Kenneth Burke's "Representative Anecdote", or in the spirit of a social scientific case study in terms of representative cases.