Organized around basic questions related to intercultural interaction, this text explores how culture and communication are intimately related. The author discusses the roles of rituals and social dramas not typically found in other texts and provides an extensive and relevant discussion of differing worldviews. Making extensive use of narrative to help promote interest and learning, the text is geared to practical applications which students can incorporate into their own lives and interactions with others.
Photos that explores the similarities among celebration rituals in several indigenous cultures around the world and compares them with celebrations in the United States. Includes a map and an author's note.
Tracey Wilen and Patricia Wilen , Asia for Women on Business : Hong Kong , Taiwan , Singapore , and South Korea , Stone Bridge Press ( 1995 ) ISBN 1880656175 SLOVAKIA Clarke Canfield , Now Hiring ! Jobs in Eastern FURTHER READING 385.
This thought-provoking text presents a new framework for understanding the impact of culture on communication and for helping students build intercultural communication competence.
Through both emic and etic approaches, this groundbreaking volume explores how members of a culture understand their own communication, and compares the similarities and differences of specific aspects of communication across cultures.
The book advocates acceptance of the diversity of voices, while suggesting ways to probe the correspondences, interrelationships, and mutual benefits of that diversity. Diversity and the interrelationship General Interest
In Imagery and Visual Literacy: Selected Readings, edited by Darrell G. Beauchamp, Roberts A. Braden, and Robert E. Griffin, 51–56. Loretto, PA: International Visual Literacy Association. Messick, Samuel. 1994.
I am interested in giving students a broad view of relationships and families, and this text would help me." --Susan Hendrick, Texas Tech University "I believe that this is a much needed book. . .
The essays address the connections between nature and culture and relate the environmental practices to the cultures which produced them. Each essay contains an extensive bibliography.
... 274 Light, K. C., 236 Lim, T.-S., 206, 214 Lin, A., 294, 295 Lin, C., 84 Lin, S. L., 322 Lindemann, S., 201 Lipets, M., 244 Lipp, G. D., 303 Lippi-Green, R., 215 Lippmann, W., 274, 280 Liu, J., 56, 153 Liu, M., 84 Liu, S., 51 Liu, ...
Yet somehow McDonald's is thriving in France, with revenues second only to those in the United States. What's more, the French spend more than twice as much on their McMeals as Americans do, even though the cost of a Big Mac is about ...