Albert Bandura ( 1969 ) illustrates this point with a parable about a big - game hunter who came face to face with a hungry lion . “ As he prepared to shoot the onrushing beast , the gun jammed . Helpless and terrified , the hunter ...
An environmental journalist traces the historical war against rust, revealing how rust-related damage costs more than all other natural disasters combined and how it is combated by industrial workers, the government, universities and ...
Traces the history of the eight-year-long war between the two Middle Eastern neighbors, describes the results of the war, and assesses its impact on the region
Edited by historian and Marine lieutenant colonel Aaron B. O'Connell, the essays collected here represent nine different perspectives on the war--all from veterans of the conflict, both American and Afghan."--Book jacket.
The author portrays American participation in the Vietnam War as the logical culmination of the containment policy that began under Harry Truman in the late 1940's. Also his portrayal of...
... Cpl Anthony G. Mihalo – 8/14/08 LCpl Jacob J. Toves – 8/14/08 LCpl Juan Lopez-Castaneda – 8/14/08 Sgt Jerome C. Bell Jr. – 9/19/08 Cpl Jason A Karella – 10/9/08 Cpl Adrian Robles – 10/22/08 LCpl San Sim – 10/22/08 Spc Deon L. Taylor ...
Argues that the Israeli invasion of Lebanon was really designed to destroy Palestinian nationalism rather than insure the defense of Israel's borders from terrorists
Comprehensive yet concise, America’s Longest War provides a complete and balanced history of the Vietnam War.
Un-American is a revolutionary act, offering a blueprint for redressing America's relationship with patriotism, the military, and military spending.
Historian Brian Glyn Williams, who has traveled to Afghanistan frequently over the past decade, provides essential background to the war, tracing the rise, fall, and reemergence of the Taliban.
This important book boldly pursues several strands of thought suggesting that a strong, legitimate central government is far from likely to emerge in Kabul; that fewer coalition forces, used in creative ways, may have better effects on the ...