A history of the United States with an emphasis on public policy. Includes maps, photos, charts, and suggestions for further reading.
"A higher education history text for United States history courses"--
The book shows that when states initiate responses to such violence—via criminal trials, tribunals, or reconciliation hearings—they lay important groundwork for how such atrocities are viewed in the future.
United States , Colonial Times to 1957 ( 1961 ) and the U.S. Department of Justice printed in John M. Blum , The National Experience : A History of the United States since 1865 ( San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1985 ) , 939 .
Richard H. Mitchell. 87. Noonan, Bribes, 433. 88. Ibid., 434, 451, 453–455. 89. John M. Blum et al., The National Experience: A History of the United States to 1877, pt. 1, 405. 90. Morton Keller, “Corruption in America: Continuity and ...
Paul R. Pillar ties the American public's misconceptions about foreign threats and behaviors to the nation's history and geography, arguing that American success in international relations is achieved often in spite of, rather than because ...
James A. Henretta, Documents for America's History, vol. 2, Since 1865 (New York: Macmillan, 2011), 307. (Note: There are tiny variations in different versions of McCarthy's unrecorded and later reconstructed speech.) 27.
A Pictorial History of Robins Air Force Base, Georgia: A Project of the Robins Air Force Base Heritage Committee
Since its original landmark publication in 1980, A People's History of the United States has been chronicling American history from the bottom up, throwing out the official version of history...
Joseph R. Conlin, The American Past: A Survey of American History, Fourth Ed., (Forth Worth: The Hardcourt Press, 1993), 538. John M. Blum, et al; The National Experience: A History ofthe United States Since 1865, Sixth Ed.; (USA: ...
... Alfred Thayer, 516, 551 Mahone, William, 408 Mail-order sales, 423 Maine, 664 “Making do”: Great Depression and, ... 481 Marshall Field, 434 Marshall, George, 698, 700, 703 Marshall Islands, 689 Marshall Plan, 698, 699 (map), 700, ...