In a fictional exploration of America's early political scandals, James Thomson Callender, a muckraking journalist, reveals scandals in the lives of both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.
With this book, one may read two compelling stories.
The Scandalmonger
If Charles Théveneau de Morande was a character in a novel, he would be considered the ultimate anti-hero.
Jefferson, Callender, and the Sally Story: The Scandalmonger and the Newspaper War of 1802
Interior: 110 pages of college ruled paper Cover: Tough glossy paperback Dimensions: Standard Composition notebook size: 6 x 9 in Use as Composition Notebook or Journal [Please note: This is a plain ruled notebook.
He then added as an aside, 'I wouldn't be surprised if you even had a financial angle off the back of it.' This was perhaps the most worrying part of the conversation since tomorrow ScandalMonger is set to make a lot of money.
If so, then you would be what is known as a scandalmonger or talebearer. A scandalmonger is someone who travels about spreading gossip. In my opinion, scandalmonger is the perfect word because some people are always looking for a ...
I'll tell you who it was — Rogojin! What do you think,cana man be suffocated with awet cloth?” “I don't know.” “I've heard so. Well, we'll leave that question just now. Why am I a scandalmonger? Why did she callme a scandalmonger?
Emmy, Byeley is a scandalmonger. She lives for starting drama. Allie Allie, A scandal what? Haha! Emmy Emmy, Scandalmonger. It means someone who enjoys spreading rumors and stirring trouble. My grandfather taught me that word when he ...
In another example, the president directed Alford on separate occasions to “take care of” both Dave Powers (she complied) and his “baby brother, Teddy” (she refused). Alford writes of the sad affair: Dave Powers was sitting poolside ...