CMH Pub. 70-3-1.Edited by John E. Jessup, Jr. and Robert W. Coakley. Designed to foster an appreciation of the value of military history. Explains its uses and the resources available for its study. Consists of four parts: Part One, Military History, Its Nature and Use; Part Two, Bibliographical Guide; Part Three, Army Programs, Activities, and Uses; Part Four: History Outside the U.S. Army. Includes Appendices, Bibliography, and Index.
Jerold E. Brown to Reynolds , July 12 , 1983 . 16. Hans Lishka to Reynolds , July 19 , 1983 . 17. David A. Keough to Reynolds , August 1 , 1983 . 18. " War and Militarism . " in Philip P. Wiener , ed . , Dictionary of the History of ...
Definitive visual guide to the technology of warfare and its evolution over the course of history.
In the Cuban missile crisis, did President Kennedy really make Khruschev blink? Donald Kagan's answers to these questions challenge most traditional interpretations.
Nathan Hale is hanged by the British in New York. Hale, a captain in the Continental army, had been caught out of uniform and is executed as a spy. His last words are alleged to be: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my ...
Collins, Bruce. The Origins of America's Civil War. New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers, 1981. Craven, Avery. The Coming of the Civil War. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957. . Civil War in the Making.
Los ejércitos tienen unidades especialmente entrenadas para desarrollar los trabajos más peligrosos. Esta guía recopila una clasificación de cada unidad explicando su historia, sus tácticas, el armamento que usan, los...
戰略論: 間接路線
The Soviets had completely encircled Berlin by April 25, the day their advance elements came in contact with Americans ... R . O d e r R . Danube W e s s e r R . W e i n e R . Lake Constance NEW PERILS FOR WAR-WEARY EUROPE By May 1945, ...
... Battle of 44 farming 4, 99, 100 Farragut, David G. 70–73, 71, 72, 143 “Father Abraham” poem 93 federal government 209 Fellman, Michael xiii field hospitals 152,154–155,157 Fifteenth Alabama 133,135 Fifteenth Massachusetts 44 V Corps ...
VOYASpanish-American War, Updated Edition opens with a riveting account of the mysterious explosion of the USS Maine in Cuba's Havana harbor, which spurred a surge of anti-Spanish sentiment among Americans.