This document, which is based on data gathered during the 1992 National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS), examines the literacy skills of the U.S. civilian labor force, including the employed and unemployed. The following topics are among those discussed: (1) human resources and the U.S. economy; (2) literacy proficiencies of the nation's labor force; (3) literacy proficiencies of key demographic, socioeconomic, and regional subgroups of the labor force (men and women; various age, racial, and ethnic groups; adults with different levels of schooling, poverty status, and areas of residence; native versus foreign-born adults); (4) literacy proficiencies of the labor force by industry and occupations (including front-line blue-collar workers and health care workers); (5) literacy proficiencies and earnings; (6) literacy proficiencies and adults' educational attainments, school enrollment behavior, and literacy training experiences; (7) employability and earnings potential of the nation's unutilized and underutilized working-age population; (8) estimated effects of prose, document, and quantitative literacy proficiencies on labor market activities, earnings and incomes (as demonstrated by a multivariate analysis); and (9) participation in basic skills training programs. A total of 150 tables/figures are included. Appendices contain guidelines for interpreting the literacy scales, an overview of procedures used in the NALS, and a list of participants in the development process. (MN)
Pearson, P. D. (2005, November). Assessing reading comprehension and vocabulary development. Paper presented at Minnesota Center for Reading Research, St. Paul, MN. Pearson, P. D., & Gallagher, M. (1983). The instruction of reading ...
Did you see that wolf ? HENRY : BILL AND HENRY : ( both men peer to the left ) HENRY : ( whispering ) Look at that , Bill . BILL : ( in a low tone ) That fool dog One Ear don't seem scairt much what with that whining and eagerness to be ...
A Guide for Book Clubs, Literature Circles, and Discussion Groups, Grades 4-8 Elizabeth Knowles, Martha Smith. Information About Richard Peck Born in Decatur, ... Why does Sheriff Dickerson call Grandma Dowdel a one-woman crime wave?
二零一零年十月,孙鹏的首部文言诗词辑录《弃在零时》,已在军事出版社出版。时至二零一六年夏,历经六年,孙鹏第二部文言著作《钧征治要》籍已封笔终稿,成文四章,解四十 ...
《实用英语应用文写作》其内容涵盖了常见的各类应用文,如:书信、广告、请柬、便条、海报、电子邮件、卡片、简历、备忘录、合同等。本教材主要以“实用”为切入点,经过整 ...
The treasure of a nation is " the treasure of the people , not their cash . We do not deny the necessity of money ; but , in these kinds of struggles , the real price is something that cannot be put in numbers .
"Educational reform is among our most pressing needs, and it is not enough to demand competence in simple basic skills. A deeper, broader definition of literacy--one the includes the capacity...
Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Differentiating Literacies, 1/e This practical, research-based book blends theory and practice to provide grade-level and ESL teachers with the tools they need to differentiate...
The signs are everywhere--for those who can read them. Because of television, advertising, and the Internet, the primary literacy of the 21st century will be visual. It's no longer enough...
NCTE's Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar provides this much-needed resource for Kâ€?college teachers who wonder what to do about grammar—how to teach it, how to apply it, how...