Mig Alley: The Fight for Air Superiority

Mig Alley: The Fight for Air Superiority
MIG Alley
History / Asia / Korea
Air Force History and Museums Program
William T. Y'Blood


For a carnivore there is nothing more satisfying than a pink and succulent T-bone steak, the sizzle of well-seasoned chicken on a barbecue, or a serve of crispy, roast pork crackling.

Off The Bone gives both classic and contemporary recipes for cooking 'bone-in meat' - that is, meat that hasn't been flleted, and is cooked and served with the bone included. The benefits of these cuts are endless. The bone acts as a heat-conductor, so the meat cooks more evenly but still retains its juiciness. The cuts are typically cheaper, but no less tasty that their fileted counterparts.

Recipes in this book are suitable for both novice and experienced cooks. If you're ever at a loss for what meat to choose, your local butcher will be knowledgeable about every type and portion of meat, and can advise on what will suit your taste and needs.

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