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Provides information on United States border areas. Reviews the current state of law enforcement's efforts to manage our borders. Discusses the benefits of and obstacles to different proposed solutions to improve border law enforcement. Customs and Border Patrol employees and subcontractors, borders and port personnel, lawmakers, policy analysts, and American citizens may be interested in this authoritative report.
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Customs and Border Protection Regualtions of the United States, 2015 Revised Edition print subscription can be found here:
Maps & graphs. Also includes a 23-page report, Cost of Border Delays to OntarioÓ (2004).
This government/court document, written by the United States Congress, is a hearing on the territorial integrity and safety issues involved in weak bilateral law enforcement presence at the U.S.-Mexico Border for American citizens.
This book introduces readers to jobs with the Border Patrol, highlighting this federal force’s history, importance, and locations.
USVISIT: challenges and strategies for securing the U.S. border
, National Border Patrol Council Local 2599, Detroit, MI; David Harris, Pres., Insignis Strategic Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Demetrios Papademetriou, Senior Assoc.
Border security agencies need to better coordinate their strategies and operations on federal lands: report to congressional requesters.
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This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication. The original Nat. Southwest Border Counter-Narcotics Strategy (2007) focused primarily on what the entities of the U.S. Fed.
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