Brett Williams provides a sobering and frank investigation of the credit industry and how it came to dominate the lives of most Americans by propelling the social changes that are enacted when an economy is based on debt.
In this book, he shares what the banks and collections agencies don’t want you to know about how to settle your credit card debt at an 80% discount with a five-minute phone call.
This book connects the dots from consumer spending to credit cards to home-equity loans and back to credit cards.
Told through the vivid stories of individuals and institutions affected by these changes, Borrow charts the collision of commerce and culture in twentieth-century America, giving an historical perspective on what is new—and what is ...
In this context, the combined interaction of regulatory interventions and contract law – regulatory private law102–can ... in S. Grundmann and Yeşim M. Atamer (eds) Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law ...
Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul?
Tables and figures. This is a print on demand report.
For now, though, keep on top of what the receiving date is for your online bill payments and factor that in when setting up payments. Some banks charge fees for online banking—as I write, these range from $6.95 at Wachovia to $5.00 at ...
As We Forgive Our Debtors addresses these questions with hard empirical data drawn from bankruptcy court filings.
To fix the system, federal and state governments, the debt collection industry, and other stakeholders should make a variety of significant reforms in litigation and arbitration so that the system is both efficient and fair.