This guide focuses on the most problematic weeds in eastern North America for which there are at least some biocontrol agents established and/or available. Multiple photos and descriptions of each weed included in this guide emphasize key identification traits and plant ecology. For each weed included in this guide, all biocontrol agents released or currently found in North America are described individually. Photos highlighting key identification features and damage are included. The release history, current status, and recommended use of each biocontrol agent are described in detail. Recommendations and current impact often vary between the US and Canada, therefore, the information is presented separately. Includes international code of best practices for classical biological control of weeds.
Annual Review of Entomology 58, 119–140. doi:10.1146/annurev-ento-120811-153552 Winston R, Randall CB, De Clerck-Floate R, McClay A, Andreas J, Schwarzländer M (2014) Field Guide for the Biological Control of Weeds in the Northwest.
Weed Management Handbook updates the 8th edition of Weed Control Handbook (1990).
Noxious Weed Field Guide for Utah
Several species have been intentionally introduced to control invasive weeds.The Klamathweed (Hypericum perforatum), also called St. John's wort, is European in origin and infests hundreds of thousands of acres in the Pacific Northwest, ...
2001. Alternate stable states in a shallow lake dominated by Egeria densa. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3805–3810. Johnston, C.A. 1991. Sediment and nutrient retention by fresh water wetlands — effects on surface water quality.
This volume is a comprehensive treatment of how the principles of ecology and conservation biology can be used to maximize biological control.
Publisher Description
As well as examining successful biological control programmes this book analyses why the majority of attempts fail. Off-target and other negative effects of biological control are also dealt with.