Chris Collins and Steve Jackson have gathered together for this book key researchers and academics throughout New Zealand, all of whom are active in research and teaching in the field of sport studies in various institutions. The result is a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of different aspects of sport in the social setting, focusing on New Zealand. Chapters in the 2nd edition have either been entirely re-written or updated, covering sport in relation to major theoretical perspectives, identity, culture, globalisation, media, politics, government, education, religion, the Treaty of Waitangi, gender, drugs, violence, coaching and the future. New chapters include sport historiography, sport and our past, Maori sport, sport policy, sport and masculinity, and sport and the body. Not only are key theoretical issues covered in each of these areas, but the book also endeavours to point the reader towards practical implications, such as for policy and management.
This fascinating book investigates the sporting traditions, successes, systems, "terrains" and contemporary issues that underpin sport in New Zealand, also known by its Māori name of Aotearoa. Tim Hanna, One Good Run: The Legend of Burt Munro, Penguin, Auckland, 2005. 'Athletics – Track and Field', An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, ed.
... New Zealand Society 1854–2004, ed. G. Ryan, 69–87. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 2005. Day, P. 'Sport, the Media and New Zealand'. In Sport, Society and Culture in New Zealand, ed. B. Patterson, 93–102. Wellington, New Zealand ...
Many countries now boast strong scholars in the field and this volume reflects the fascinating research being done. This innovative volume is dedicated to a review of the state of the area by region.
... Sport und Geschlecht (2007, Hofmann) with Bettina Rulofs, Social Issues in Women and Sport: International and Comparative Perspectives (2003, Routledge) with Gertrud Pfister, and Soziale Konstruktion von Geschlecht im Sport (2003, ...
This book was published as a special issue of Sport and Society.
Cathy Curtis, 87–88 [Corte Madera, CA: Gingko Press, 2002]), “experiments” showing surfers maneuvering finless boards on most types of wave (e.g., Musica Surfica, dir. Mick Sowry [Sydney: Screen Australia, 2008], DVD), ...
... New. Zealand. GeofferyGeofferyGeoffery Z.Z.Z. KoheKohe*Kohe* Institute of Sport & Exercise Science, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK During the interwar period (1919–1939), protagonists of the early New Zealand ... Aotearoa New Zealand ...
In the Waka Ama New Zealand Annual Report (2012), Waka Ama New Zealand's Chair Paora Howe alludes to the need for waka ama to seriously consider the importance of culture for the future of the sport moving forward. In the Waka Ama New ...
Booth, D. and H. Thorpe, ed. 2007. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Extreme Sports. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group. Breivik, G. 2010. “Trends in Adventure Sports in Post-Modern Society.” Sport in Society a Hajkowicz, S., ...