Thoroughly updated, this new sixth edition of Financial Institutions and Markets focuses on Australiaa s financial system, while retaining the structure of the successful fifth edition. It examines the financial systema s three main functions a settlement, flow-of-funds and risk transfer a and provides a clear and comprehensive integrated account of the activities of Australiaa s financial institutions and markets, including the risks they face and the instruments they use. As well, the major capital and foreign exchange markets and the markets for derivatives (and their use as hedging instruments) are discussed. This new 6th edition covers recent financial innovations, such as high-frequency trading in the share market and APRAa s adoption of Basel II (and Basel III) a an explanation of how the RBA assesses the financial systema s stability. It also includes new a Industry Insightsa and a Practical Applicationsa that illustrate specific topics, such as the role of margin loans and short selling in the demise of ABC Learning. The main update for this new edition has been the development of a Lessons from the GFCa that are designed to complement the booka s explanations of a range of topics, such as the use of leverage, lending for housing, securitisation, the role of the inter-bank market, the pricing of risk in bond markets and the role of speculation in the market for Australian dollar.
Cavanaugh ( 1987 ) looked at the potential to use futures contract prices to generate profits . The data represented daily changes in the logarithm of futures prices for delivery of currency on specific days .
Custom Essentials of Management
Finance: Applications & Theory
Enterprise Management Incentives
Stamp Duty
Class 1A National Insurance Contributions
Topics in Finance: A Guide for the Financially Perplexed
Genetics, Insurance and Discrimination
Comprendre la finance: pour les non-financiers et les étudiants : ce que signifient vraiment les chiffres de l'entreprise
This 2003 book summarizes theoretical developments in statistical tools to measure financial markets, for students and professionals in econophysics and analytical markets.