Clinical Dosage Calculations is a locally written, full-colour text covering the important aspects of dosage calculations that students require to perform this essential part of clinical practice. An applied skills-focused text, Brotto uses real-life cases, worked examples and real medication charts and labels to engage students. Using a scaffolded approach to learning, the text starts with fundamental maths and familiarises students with medication charts and labels, then moves on to specialist area chapters, allowing learners to deepen their skills in a clinical context. Students engage in the activities of each chapter as an introduction to the concept before moving onto the final chapter where they can test their overall knowledge.
Clinical Dosage Calculations
This entertaining guide is now more fun, more up-to-date, and even easier to use -- an indispensable resource for nurses who want to take the stress out of dosage calculations.
Drug Dosage Calculations: A Guide for Current Clinical Practice
Dosage Calculations
This is the first, full colour, local text to cover the important aspects of dosage calculations to help students deal with this vital part of clinical practice, using real life cases, worked examples and real medication labels.
A free CD-ROM containing more than 100 extra calculation problems is included with this edition. The ancillary package includes an Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM.
Drug Dosage Calculations: A Guide for Clinical Practice
The original is now a classic. Clinical Calculations was the first text to introduce the dimensional analysis method of calculating dosages, an approach rapidly becoming the method of choice for...
This popular resource is still the only text to review all four major drug calculation methods: basic formula, ratio and proportion, fractional equation, and dimensional analysis. Practice problems help readers...
reactions. As you do your initial patient assessment, you ask about medication allergies (see the preceding section). Patients often give you lists that include pain medications like codeine or dextropropoxyphene (Darvocet).