Achieve high standards in patient-focused care. Health Services Assistance provides complete coverage of core and elective units for assisting in nursing work in acute care. Exercises throughout the text provide students with the means to self-assess and extend their skills and knowledge. Foundation skills are developed early, underpinning understanding of the specialist acute care chapters that follow. Students are encouraged to reflect and contextualise their learning and to practise techniques in small groups. Activities break up the material so information is easier to retain. Self-check, extension activities and discussion questions can be incorporated into an institution's assessment strategy. Health Services Assistance is structured by competency for HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance, supporting nursing in acute care, and is packed with specific cases and examples, as well as including additional content on palliative care and mental health. Each chapter addresses a competency, with a volume of learning that underpins the assessment requirements. The book is structured so that elements and criteria are communicated by the section headings. Teach following the qualification structure, using the print book, eBook or LMS integration.
Health Services: Assitance to Patients in Health-Care Establishments
Healthcare Assistance Guides book I - Trofus I Revised
Health care institutions, health manpower, paying for care, the federal government and health care, state and local health activities, ambulatory care, voluntary agencies, review and control of quality and costs,...