Financial Planning and Personal Finance 1st Edition is the most comprehensive text on the market, covering both professional Financial Planning and Personal Finance. Using a structured, step-by-step approach and capturing the latest FASEA and FSLA requirements, students learn how to save and invest, manage loans, file taxes, decrease credit card debt, and plan for their future and advise clients on theirs. Australia/New Zealand terminology, legislation and methodologies along with real-life scenarios covering a wide range of financial challenges enable students to appreciate the relevance of key concepts, and useful advice from personal finance and financial planning experts helps them apply those concepts. Maths-based examples illustrate the critical importance of achieving long-term financial goals through investing. Instructor resources include solutions manual, PowerPoints, Test Bank, My Personal Financial Planner MS Word worksheets and Excel calculators.
Personal Finance's highly interactive approach, engaging style, and lively page design captures students' attention as they learn how to incorporate each important concept into their own financial planning.
"This text/reference book is the most up-to-date integrated presentation of the field of personal financial planning.
Hands-on tools and strategies to boost your financial fitness From analyzing assets to planning for retirement, this new edition of Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies gives you the information and resources you need to get your finances ...
Personal Financial Planning
In this eminently practical book, he shows readers how to - better understand their values and goals in order to simplify their money decisions - budget major expenses intelligently - reduce and eliminate debt - make vital decisions on home ...
You might have just started earning or you might be comfortably placed within your job; it does not matter which stage of life you are currently in; this book will give a process-oriented approach to enable you to perform financial planning ...
Topics covered in this volume include the benefits of personal financial planning, financial planning tools, managing credit, insurance planning, income tax planning, retirement planning, and personal financial risk management, among others ...
Each new copy of the text is accompanied by a FREE Personal Financial Planner workbook that is written to help students create and implement a personal financial plan.
Denby Brandon and H. Oliver Welch, The History of Financial Planning: The Transformation of Financial Services (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2009), 3–12. 6Ibid. 7Michael Chiasson, Catharine Gaharan, and Shawn Mauldin, ...
In The Ultimate Financial Plan, Jim Stovall uncovers the Timeless Truths of personal finance while Tim Maurer directs you through Timely Applications, making this book an invaluable investment in your future.