The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM and 3.5" disks that will work with your current computer setup.
GDP/11 is an integrated keyboarding system designed to process and score documents created in Microsoft Word. Together, the book and software systematically lead students through each lesson to provide an easy path to success.
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM that will work with your current computer setup.
Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-60 text
Strong enhancements to the book while maintaining key elements support the cohesive program's strong content. Skillbuilding is reinforced with MAP+ (Misstroke Analysis and Prescription).
The Eighteenth Edition of KEYBOARDING COURSE, LESSONS 1-25 is packaged with the market-leading KEYBOARDING PRO 6 software to help readers develop fundamental skills by mastering the alphabetic keyboard, top-row numbers, symbols, and the ...
Packed with proven techniques and insights from more than eight decades, this market-leading text will help you build a strong foundation in alphabetic keyboarding, top-row numbers, and the numeric keypad.
Building from a strong foundation, this revision of GDP focuses on adding flexibility for the instructor. Multiple software enhancements and flexible Instructor Management, both LAN and Web-based, support the program's strong content.
Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-120, main text
South-Western College Keyboarding: Introductory Course