Drawing on the success of our popular Essentials of Business Communication text, Essentials of Business Communication for English Language Learners is design to meet the needs of your intermediate and advance ESL business communication students. Essentials of Business Communication for English Language Learners maintains the streamlined, efficient approach to communication that has equipped past learners with the skills needed to be successful in their work. It is ESL friendly and has been modified to help postsecondary and adult second-language learners prepare themselves for new careers, plan a change in their current careers, or upgrade their writing and speaking skills. The text is well-organized, comprehensive and clear. It is helpful for all students who require techniques in successful business writing and speaking skills and is especially helpful to students for whom English is not their first language. The language in this text has been simplified but not "dumbed down". Grammar exercises and sample letters have been revised to suit the ESL learner. For example, terms like, "in the ball park" or "blanket mailings" have been removed or reworded. The section(s) on email strategies as well as communication for the job search are especially upbeat and relevant. The author, Ausra Karka is an expert in the field of ESL instruction and currently teaches at the highly regarded Humber College ESL program. The revisions she incorporated were based on her own class-testing and student feedback.
With an emphasis on written and oral communication skills in our technologically enhanced workplace, the ninth Canadian edition of Essentials of Business Communication is designed to help students gain confidence in their communication ...
This text-workbook is a streamlined, no-nonsense approach to business communication.
The Seventh Edition of this award-winning favorite features increased coverage of employment communication, communication technology, and professionalism in the workplace.
Business Communication: Process and Product
Essentials of Business Communication
This book's premium testbank is designed to ensure top quality multiple-choice testing by avoiding common errors in question and test construction.
The perennial leader in grammar and mechanics texts, the 10th edition of "Business English" uses a three-tiered approach to break topics into manageable units, letting students identify and hone the most critical skills and measure their ...
Guffey's "Business Communication: Process and Product" continues in this new edition to emphasize the three elements that have been the hallmarks of its success: Process; Product; Partnership. Guffey's unique 3-x-3...
The perennial leader in grammar and mechanics texts, the 11th edition of BUSINESS ENGLISH uses a three-level approach to break topics into manageable units, letting students identify and hone the most critical skills and measure their ...
Custom Pub: Working Skills for the Workplace: ESOL