Passport: An Introduction to the Tourism Industry, Third Canadian Edition, is designed to give students planning acareer in tourism a readable overview of the industry today. With the many recent changes that have taken place in this industry in Canada and abroad, this market-leading text examines these changes and provides students with a foundation of how to succeed in this ever-increasing and most demanding job market. The addition of new Web features makes this text the most current one available today.
Health services are essential for offering medical help to tourists and staff . Sanitation is essential for the health of tourists and staff .
This simulating series has proved highly successful over many years and each topic remains fresh and stimulating. Each topic is carefully selected to address state and territory curricula variants.
Coopetition: Global Tourism Beyond the Millennium: Charting the Course for Education, Government, and Commerce
Legal Basis for State and Territory Tourism Planning
The new edition of this text is positioned - through its broad coverage, accessible style and presentation, and practical application - as the core learning resource for students of tourism planning.
The text has been updated to take into account developments such as growing concern for climate change and the maturing response of tourism to the safety and security of tourists.
This edition has been revised to reflect events, developments and literature of modern times (including 11 September 2001), as well as dealing with a range of additional issues and challenges that confront the industry.
Introduction to Tourism: Development, Dimensions and Issues
Studies the supply of the tourism product, and the impacts of tourism on destinations, by examining case studies of contemporary tourism planning and policy in two countries.
This text introduces the fundamental principles of tourism and provides a framework that effectively integrates theory and practice.