Simplify, demystify and shift thinking around assessment for elementary students.Talk About Assessment is an all-in-one solution for your assessment needs featuring a comprehensive book, DVD and CD-Rom.
Written with minimal technical details for the benefit of non-experts, this book is an ideal resource for graduate students in courses on Language Testing and Assessment as well as teachers and researchers in applied linguistics.
For therapists implementing the techniques found in Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding, The HOMEWORK Book puts each activity on easy-to-follow homework sheets which can be removed and photocopied, then sent home with the ...
A comprehensive assessment system for working with underperforming students This book describes a comprehensive assessment system especially appropriate for multilingual and "differentiated" classrooms with large numbers of underperforming ...
It helps students assess their speaking and listening skills. This series contains audio-recorded scripts for enhancing listening skills, and reading exercises to improve pronunciation and speaking skills.
This book helps teachers sort through the myriad of available assessments and use each to understand different facets of their readers.
Authors Robyn Merkel-Walsh and Lori Overland have developed a comprehensive, evidenced-based program -- the Merkel-Walsh & Overland TOTs Protocol -- to assist in the identification and functional implications of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) ...
By reading this book, K-12 educators will receive tools and strategies for creating a more reliable assessment process that enhances learning for every student"--
In P. Peterson & E. Baker (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of education (3rd ed.). Oxford, UK: Elsevier. Altschuld, J. W., & Lepicki, T. L. (2009b, in press). Needs assessment in human performance interventions.
Rigby E-Assessment: Talk about Tall Level Reader (Level 13)
A key distinction of the book is its coverage of using technology to collect and analyze assessment data.