Created for the Introduction to Deviance course, Deviance and Social Control, 4e uses theory and examples to illustrate societal perceptions of deviance throughout the ages, without assuming prior knowledge of introductory sociology or research methods. All theories are carefully considered and explored, illustrating how classical theories influence contemporary ones, in a manner that is meaningful to students.
Polemics, politics and problematizations: An interview with Michel Foucault. In P. Rabinow (Ed.), Essential works of Michel Foucault 1954–84. Ethics: Subjectivity and truth (Vol. 1, pp. 111–120). London, England: Penguin.
Originally published in 1974, Deviance and Social Control represents a collection of original papers first heard at the annual meeting of the British Sociological Association in 1971.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Jensen, G. F. (2007). The sociology of deviance. In C. D. Bryant & D. L. Peck (Eds.), The handbook of 21st century sociology (pp. 370–379). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Jobes, P. C., Barclay, E., ...
... 22 threshold effect, 76 Timberlake,James H., 85 Toulmin, Stephen, 132 Townsend, Joan B., 126 Transcendental Meditation, 105, 112-116 trust, 187 Tuke, ...
Norms, Deviance, and Social Control: Conceptual Matters
In Ontario, Canada, in 2005, Atkinson met an endurance athlete named Ryan who had come to distance running after being diagnosed with, being treated for, and surviving cancer. Atkinson was particularly struck by Ryan's performance ...
Conveniently divided into five comprehensive parts, Deviance and Social Control provides readers with a selection of articles that examine core issues in the field of deviant behavior and social control....
This text aims to answer the questions: “Who has the power to decide which acts are deviant?”; “Whose interests are being served by a given law?”; and “Which social groups are being disadvantaged when society has been constructed ...
Images of Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological History
An examination of different sociological perspectives on crime and deviant behaviour in our society.