The focus of this text on ethical decision-making reflects the reality of practice in human services where we are increasingly faced with complex and contentious issues that by definition do not lend themselves to simple solutions. Part of the complexity arises from the deepening seriousness and complexity of questions, concerns, and problems service users present to us along with the multiple roles we play with the requirement to engage in inter professional practice with colleagues from a variety of allied professions. This all occurs within a context of conflicting directives from codes of ethics, legal requirements, agency policies with often inadequate or limited resources and service user needs and expectations. To assist in learning how to respond in an ethically thoughtful manner to this context, we have provided in this text decision making models, core concepts related to ethical practice, value clarification exercises, practice situations with inquiry questions and tasks to assist the reader to think through and become engaged with the ethical dimensions of the situations.
Hope has not inspired much empirical research in the field of mental health counseling. This is puzzling, since many therapeutic approaches recognize hope as an essential element in the emotional healing process.
Results showed that affect balance and self-care accounted for a significant portion of the variance in the secondary trauma indices of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and global stress severity. Theoretical...
Ella Mentry School counselor Dr. Brad believes wisecracking A.J. may be a genius and subjects him to some very weird tests to find out for sure.
This practical workbook contains 45 experiential and creative activities intentionally created to facilitate counselor professional identity development.
Up-to-date and challenging, this best-selling text is a practical manual that helps future and current professionals deal with ethical issues that they will confront at the various stages in their development.
The Impact of Clinical Supervision on Counsellors and Therapists, Their Practice and Their Clients: A Systematic Review of the Literature
In this revealing and engaging book, Dr Wayne W. Dyer shares dozens of events from his life, from the time he was a little boy in Detroit up to the present day.
In 2014 CBC television and radio investigated the treatment of staff at a high-risk adolescent treatment/corrections centre in British Columbia, Canada. This is a government run facility that put their staff in "Harms Way".
This new edition will provide a comprehensive overview of all the major professional practice and ethical issues in one edited volume.