Work, Industry and Canadian Society, Seventh Edition brings to light the social ramifications of work. With a focus on the Canadian workplace, the author team examines how individual, societal, national, and global issues shape this central human activity. In this seventh edition, the text draws upon the growing literature on work and employment, organizations, and management approaches to incorporate recent empirical findings, review new and ongoing theoretical and policy debates, and provide a more international perspective. The authors use their years of experience in research and teaching to compose this comprehensive volume on the past, present and future of work in Canada.
Work, Industry and Canadian Society [sound Recording]
Work, Industry & Canadian Society
Canadians liked what they heard. Like Canada, the United States was faced with massive unemployment, civil unrest, and populist agitation. Unlike Bennett, Roosevelt offered solutions to the crisis, embarking on a series of ...
Industry Canada. 2008. “Key Small Business Statistics.” July 2008. At . Innis, Harold Adams. 1964 [1951]. The Bias of Communication. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Empowerment and Exploitation in the Global Auto Industry Steve Babson ... On the social support of informal work groups see Harvey Krahn and Graham Lowe , Work , Industry , and Canadian Society ( Scarborough , Ontario : Nelson Canada ...
The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 23 ( 3 ) : 331-49 . Krahn , Harvey and Graham Lowe . 1993 Work , Industry , and Canadian Society . Toronto : Nelson Canada . Litchfield , Randall . 1992 “ The Sunrise Economy .
Wilson , A. 1985. Family . London : Tavistock . Wilson , J.D. 1982. ' From the Swinging Sixties to the Sobering Seventies . ' In Education in Canada : An Interpretation , edited by E. Brian Titley and Peter J. Miller .
Work , Industry and Canadian Society , 3d ed . Toronto : ITP Nelson . MacDuffie , John Paul , and Fritz Pil . 1997. “ Changes in Auto Industry Employment Practices : An International Overview , ” In After Lean Production ...
McQuillan and Z. Ravanera (eds), Canada's Changing Families, Toronto: University of Toronto Press Becker, ... Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers Krahn, H. J. and G. S. Lowe (1993) Work, Industry and Canadian Society, 2nd edn, Scarborough, ...
Work, industry, and Canadian society. 3rd ed. Scarborough: itP Nelson Lautard, Hugh, and Neil Guppy. 1990. The vertical mosaic revisited: Occupational differentials among Canadian ethnic groups. In Race and ethnic relations in Canada, ...