Visual Basic Superbible - Book
Visual Basic 5 Superbible
Here is the complete reference to programming in Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition. The book gives every function, statement, and operator with complete examples. The book contains a complete list...
Accompanying CD-ROM has hands-on sample projects covered in the book and every line of the book's source code ready-to-use.
For quick reference, you can easily look up any function, statement, method, property, or event in the alphabetical jump table in the front of the book.
CD-ROM contains sample projects from the book and ready-to-use source codes.
Visual Basic Super Bible Disc
Visual Basic Super Bible Book
A guide connected to an instructional Web site instructs the beginning programmer in Visual Basic
Other programming languages—such as Visual Basic—that can call functions in C libraries can also make use of OpenGL, and OpenGL bindings are available for many other programming languages. Using OpenGL from these other languages is, ...