A strong case can be made that the South has had the greatest impact of any region on the transformation of U.S. politics and government. Since 1968, we have seen the demise of the "solid (Democratic) South" and the rise of the Republican-dominated South; the rise of the largely southern white evangelical religious right movement; and demographic changes that have vastly altered the political landscape of the region and national politics. Overriding all of these changes is the major constant of southern politics: race. Since the 1990s, the Republican Party has dominated politics in the Southern United States. Race relations were a large factor in this shift that began about a half century ago, but nonetheless, race and demographic change are once again realigning party politics in the region, this time back toward an emergent Democratic Party. Membership in the Southern Democratic Party is majority African American, Latino, and Asian, and rapidly expanding with an influx of immigrants, primarily Latino. While race continues to shape politics in the region, population growth is, as this book argues, the major factor affecting politics in the South. In fact, the populations of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia have grown more rapidly than the population of the nation as a whole over the past half century--and each of these states has gained at least one seat in Congress. These growth states are the ones in which populations are diversifying, economies are surging, and Democrats are making headway. They, along with Florida and Texas, are also among the most competitive states with the largest numbers of Electoral College votes in the region. It is likely, therefore, that among the key battlegrounds for determining the presidency will be the southern states with the fastest growing populations. This will especially be the case once the Latino population in Texas mobilizes. This book describes and analyzes the ways in which demographic change has shaped politics in the South since the late 1960s and may enable the Democratic Party in the future to re-take politics in the region, and even shut out Republicans from the nation's highest office.
The voting record of Congressman Gillis Long, twice an unsuccessful candidate for governor, more closely reflects the political philosophy of his cousins Earl and Huey than that of Russell Long or Johnston. Gillis first was elected in ...
Party strategists are steeped in the work. "The Blacks wrote the book on how academic political science can illuminate practical politics," says Republican pollster Whit Ayers.
In The Rational Southerner, M.V. Hood III, Quentin Kidd, and Irwin L. Morris argue that local strategic dynamics played a decisive and underappreciated role in both the development of the Southern Republican Party and the mobilization of ...
27 Black and Black 1987, 14. The definition of the South itself is much debated; see John Shelton Reed, “The South. What Is It? Where Is It?” in Paul D. Escott and David R. Goldfield, eds., The South for New Southerners (Chapel Hill: ...
The End of Inequality: One Person, One Vote and the Transformation of American Politics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Arbour, Brian K., and Jeremy M. ... The Almanac of American Politics 1994. Washington, DC: National Journal.
The description for this book, Issue Evolution: Race and the Transformation of American Politics, will be forthcoming.
tion , 199 ; and school integration , 167 ; 412-13 ; style of , 363 ; and Thurmond , and the Selma - to ... 324 ; and election Pearson , Drew , 113 of 1962 , 324–25 ; and election of 1964 , Pearson , Ed , 299 325 ; and election of 1970 ...
In Movers and Stayers, Irwin Morris develops a new theory that explains the Democrats' renewed influence in the region and empirically demonstrates the influence of population growth.
During the first half of the twentieth century, the city of Memphis was governed by the Shelby County Democratic Party controlled by Edward Hull Crump, described by Time magazine as “the most absolute political boss in the US.” Crusades ...
“Issue Evolution Reconsidered: Racial Attitudes and Partisanship in the U.S. Electorate.” American Journal of Political Science 38(1): 1–24. ———.1995 “The End of the Democratic Era? 1994 and the Future of Congressional Election Research ...