In this work, film historian Matthew Kennedy explores the downfall of a beloved genre caught in the hands of misguided creators who glutted the American film market with a spate of expensive and financially unrewarding musicals between 1967 and 1972. In doing so, it offers an alternative view of this era in the world of American popular entertainment.
Blue Skies and Silver Linings: Aspects of the Hollywood Musical
Broadway to Hollywood: Musicals from Stage to Screen
Conductor: Stu Phillips. Cast: Peanut Butter Conspiracy, Lollipop Shoppe, Ted Marckland, Stu Phillips. ANGLO! A MUSICAL CARTOON Original Cast (1984) • Justin Time ...
14, 272 Bride of the Regiment, 135, 304, 329, 421 Bright Lights, 121, 208, 330, 338, 342 Brisson, Carl, ... 8 Brook, Clive, 56, 179 Brooke, Tyler, 260, 358 Brooks, James L., 4 n.l Brooks, Louise, 83, 141 n.20 Brown, Beth, 315, 316 Brown ...
Describes how musicals work, formally and culturally. And why have they endured since the introduction of sound in the late 1920s? How are they more than glittery surfaces or escapist fare
This edited collection looks closely at the range and scope of contemporary film musicals, from stage adaptations like Mamma Mia! (2008) and Les Miserables (2012), to less conventional works that elide the genre, like Team America: World ...
Happily, he appears as 'The Unknown Lover', unmasked and with his eyesight restored, at the piano. The lovers are reunited, singing 'Together' by Michael Carr and Wilhelm Grosz. It's all pleasant enough but nothing very distinctive ...
A History of Movie Musicals: Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance
Kobal gives his views on the American musical and also includes a unique and illuminating section on European musical films.