Now in its seventh edition, this comprehensive text once again provides beginning social work students and practitioners with a proven, time-tested approach to help them understand and appreciate how to use basic evaluation techniques within their individual cases (case-level) and the programs where they work (program-level). As with the previous six editions, this text is eminently approachable, accessible, straightforward, and most importantly, practical.
Unlike other textbooks on the market, Program Evaluation for Social Workers presents both program-level evaluation and case-level evaluation methods; assuming that neither of these two distinct approaches alone adequately reflects the ...
Revised editon of Program evaluation for social workers, 2012.
By integrating both evaluation and research methods and assuming no previous knowledge of research, this book makes an excellent reference for professionals working in social work and health settings who are now being called upon to conduct ...
Be prepared for your future role in a service-oriented agency. This textbook provides practical guidance on program evaluation while avoiding replicating other course material.
In 2015, Kearney and Levine sought to evaluate the longterm impacts of the program in a retrospective evaluation carried out in the United States. Taking advantage of limitations in television broadcasting technology in the early years ...
... 101, 112, 116 Broxmeyer, N., 386 Bruce, C. S., 122, 229, 459 Buros, O. K., 210 Burt, M., 221 Butterfield, H., 403 Cain, D., 101, 104 Caldwell, C., 104 Callbacks, 353 Campanario, J. M., 148 Campbell Collaboration, 80, 169 Campbell, ...
Don't hit my mommy: A manual for child parent psychotherapy with young witnesses of family violence. Washington, DC: Zero to Three. ... Lieberman, A. F., Van Horn, P., & Ippen, C. (2005). Toward evidence-based treatment: Child Parent ...
Webb, E.]., Campbell, D.T., Schwartz, RD. 86 Sechrest, LB. (1996). Unobtrusive Measures: Non-reactive Research in the Social Sciences. Chicago, Ill.: Rand McNally. From Evaluation Findings to Utilisation INTRODUCTION Notions related to ...
Evaluation and Social Work Practice offers a comprehensive treatment of the central issues confronting evaluation in social work that links theory and method to practical applications.
This new edition has added information about the role of evaluation in the implementation and generation of evidence-based practices, and the necessity of evaluation to ensure accountability to all stakeholders.