There is a growing need for research within practice settings. Increasing competition for funding requires organizations to demonstrate that the funding they are seeking is going towards effective programming. Additionally, the evidence-based practice movement is generally pushing organizations towards research activities, both as producers and consumers.There have been many books written about research methodology and data analysis in the helping professions, and many books have been written about using R to analyze and present data; however, this book specifically addresses using R to evaluate programs in organizational settings. This book is divided into three sections. The first section addresses background information that is helpful in conducting practice-based research. The second section of the book provides necessary background to begin working with R. Topics include how to download R and RStudio, navigation, R packages, basic R functions, and importing data. This section also introduces The Clinical Record, a freely available database program to help organizations record and track client information. The remainder of the book uses case studies to illustrate how to use R to conduct program evaluations. Techniques include data description and visualization, bivariate analysis, simple and multiple regression, and logistic regression. The final chapter illustrates a comprehensive summary of the skills demonstrated throughout the book using The Clinical Record as a data repository.
Lee Joseph Cronbach, Sueann Robinson Ambron, Sanford M. Dornbusch, Robert D. Hess, Robert C. Hornik, Denis Charles Phillips, Decker F. Walker, Stephen S. Weiner. Programs . ” In J. Zusman and C. R. Wurster ( Eds . ) , Program Evaluation ...
Studying Implementation: Methodological and Administrative Issues
With over 300 pages and over 130 if-then predictions the book weaves a mid-level theory toward the science of implementation. At the same time, the book is anchored in practice.
Lieberman, A. F., Van Horn, P., & Ippen, C. (2005). Toward evidence-based treatment: Child Parent ... Murphy, B. C., & Dillon, C. (2008). Interviewing in action in a ... Reese, D., Ahern, R., Nair, S., O'Faire, J., & Warren, C. (1999).
Assessing Program Review Amelita Armit, Jacques Bourgault, Institut d'administration publique du Canada, University of ... Agencies , Boards , and Commissions in Canadian Local Government - Dale Richmond and David Siegel ( editors ) 16.
University of Michigan , Institute for Social Research . Steadman , Henry J. , and Joseph ... First Annual Report on Research Progress , Youth Work Project . Los Angeles : Foundation for ... In Evaluation Studies Review Annual . Vol.3 .
The Realpolitik of Evaluation is an important book that poses questions at multiple levels of thinking. It will be of great interest to policymakers, program implementers, and project managers.
Utilization Focused Evaluation: A Primer for Evaluators
Provides a compelling examination of the concept of values in program evaluation.
Toward Reform of Program Evaluation