50 Studies Every Doctor Should Know presents key studies that have shaped the practice of medicine. Selected using a rigorous methodology, the studies cover topics ranging from dieting to cardiovascular disease, insomnia to obstetrics. For each study, a concise summary is presented with an emphasis on the results and limitations of the study, and its implications for practice. Brief information on other relevant studies is provided, and an illustrative clinical case concludes each review. A section of review questions and answers is included at the back of the book to ensure that readers take.
Quality & Safety in Health Care, 12(6), 458–464. doi:10.1136/qhc.12.6.458 Bensinger, W., Schubert, M., Ang, ... Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68(11), 1312–1324. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.11.023 Berkman, N. D., Lohr, K. N., Morgan, ...
... samples • four correlated samples Quantify association Pearson's correlation Spearman correlation Contingency coefficients between two variables Predict value from another Simple linear regression or Non-parametric regression Simple ...
Methods to synthesize qualitative evidence are now emerging and this text examines the methodological bases to qualitative synthesis and describes the processes involved in the conduct of a rigorous synthesis of qualitative evidence, with a ...
Translation Science and the JBI Model of Evidence-based Healthcare
Clinical Wisdom and Evidence-based Healthcare
Evidence for practice has increasingly influenced and contributed to the improvement of care over the past few decades.
The Impact of Best Practice Information Sheets on Australian Registered Nurses: Impact Survey Report
Healthcare, health research, and improved health outcomes are of international interest and efforts to achieve better health for the global community have been high on the agenda for some years.
This book provides the framework needed to engage stakeholders in the translational research process in order to successfully knowledge into practice and policy
This is a teaching resource pack to assist clinicians, managers and educators in addressing the Clinical Governance agenda on enabling best practice.