Competency in Generalist Practice features an original and timely social work practice model that will transform the way generalist and evidence-based practice are taught. Writing with outstanding clarity and sense of purpose, Elizabeth Moore Plionis guides students in the use of a decision tree that will help them take a conscious, theory- and evidence-based approach to solving the complex problems they will face as social workers. This book is a concise but powerful tool for learning how to become an effective social work practitioner. *Presents direct and indirect practice in alternate chapters rather than separate volumes, comparing and contrasting them in an easy-to-grasp manner *Includes chapters on topics rarely found in comparable texts, including professional regulatory and fiduciary responsibilities, case and class advocacy, and service delivery to impoverished families and children *Covers important macro practice skills such as non-clinical communication, crisis management, and the use of groups in policy, management, and community and social change *Features flow charts, decision schemas, and examples of process recordings that vividly illustrate the material *Incorporates both traditional and new theories into the discussion, linking them to technique and putting them in the context of direct and indirect methods at each step of the decision hierarchy *Supplemented by a companion website that contains slides and a teachers guide for download
Praise for Developing Practice Competencies A Foundation for Generalist Practice "This is the textbook I have been waiting for.
Upon arriving at the patient's room, Stephanie knocked on the door and introduced herself lightly; identifying herself as the social worker, she asked the patient, Michelle, if she would be willingtotalk to her. Michelle agreed.
An empowerment-based method of social work which integrates core themes of the profession. This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series.
Skill Development for Generalist Practice by Christina E. Newhill, Elizabeth A. Mulvaney, and Bobby F. Simmons offers an array of competency-building exercises addressing foundational social work knowledge as well as skills and values ...
The text also includes case studies, collaborative learning exercises, and critical thinking questions to help students apply concepts to practice.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Cournoyer, B. R. (2011). The social work skills book. Learning. White, M., & Epston, D. (1990). Narrative means to Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. Ellis, A. (1962).
An empowerment-based generalist social work practice text which integrates core themes of the profession. This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series.
Finally, egalitarian theoretical frameworks argue that everyone should be guaranteed the same rights, opportunities, and access to goods and resources (Rawls, Field Reflection Questions In your current field placement, ...
Karen Kay Kirst-Ashman, Grafton H. Hull. Understanding^ene^ Karen K. Kirst-Ashman & Grafton H. Hull, Jr. Dear.
An empowerment-based method of social work which integrates core themes of the profession. This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series.