Since the introduction of radio and television news, journalism has gone through multiple transformations, but each time it has been sustained by a commitment to basic values and best practices. Journalism Ethics is a reminder, a defense and an elucidation of core journalistic values, with particular emphasis on the interplay of theory, conceptual analysis and practice. The book begins with a sophisticated model for ethical decision-making, one that connects classical theories with the central purposes of journalism. Top scholars from philosophy, journalism and communications offer essays on such topics as objectivity, privacy, confidentiality, conflict of interest, the history of journalism, online journalism, and the definition of a journalist. The result is a guide to ethically sound and socially justified journalism-in whatever form that practice emerges. Journalism Ethics will appeal to students and teachers of journalism ethics, as well as journalists and practical ethicists in general.
This revised edition includes chapters such as “Ethics and the Law,” “Conflicts of Interest,” “Privacy,” and “Source/Reporter Relationships.” Describing the basic connection between ethical journalism and excellent ...
The new edition of Journalism Ethics and Regulation presents an accessible, comprehensive and in-depth guide to this vital and fast moving area of journalistic practice and academic study.
This user-friendly book guides prospective and professional journalists through ethical questions encountered only online.
The book addresses the unique problems facing journalism today, including how we arrive at truth in an era of abundant and unverified information; the evolution of new business models and partnerships; the presence of journalists on ...
This volume provides a comprehensive discussion of enduring and emerging challenges to ethical journalism worldwide.
Featuring a new code of ethics for journalists and essays by 14 journalism thought leaders and practitioners, this authoritative, practical book examines the new pressures brought to bear on journalism by technology and changing audience ...
MORI poll, February 2002, cited in Karen Sanders, Ethics and Journalism, London: Sage Publications, 2003. 15. Ian Black, “British newspapers 'the least trusted in Europe,'” The Guardian, April 24, 2002. 16. Carroll Doherty, “The public ...
The book concludes by outlining the shape of a future journalism ethics, employing these alternative notions. Disrupting Journalism Ethics is an important intervention into the role of journalism today.
This book provides journalism students with an easy-to-read yet theoretically rich guide to the dialectics, contradictions, problems, and promises encapsulated in the term 'journalism ethics'.
Journalistic ethics are defined, explored, and analyzed in this comprehensive and timely volume. Topic examples include confidentiality of news sources, the right to privacy, deception of news sources, freedom of...