"Revered as a general and trusted as America's first elected leader, George Washington is considered a great many things in the contemporary imagination, but an intellectual is not one of them. In correcting this longstanding misconception, George Washington: A Life in Books offers a stimulating literary biography that traces the effects of a life spent in self-improvement"--
Presents the life of George Washington, focusing on the Revolutionary War years and his presidency.
Washington's political philosophy - radical for his time - was a commitment to the belief that law can never make just what is in its nature unjust.
Pick your favorite spot to read. This is going to be a great book! What this book is about ... George Washington and the General's Dog Our first president loved animals. So what happened when he found a lost dog after a battle?
A fictional student's report presents information on George Washington Carver, who became an expert on peanuts and other plants and taught others at the famous college for African Americans, Tuskeegee Institute.
Examines George Washington's religious beliefs and attitude towards God as reflected in his diaries and letters.
George Washington: The Character and Influence of One Man : a Compilation
The committee had examined the invoices of two merchants , Alexander Henderson and William Balmain , on 18 June . ... Invoice , 18 July 1771 , WW 3 : 61–2 ; to John Didsbury , 18 July , 53-4 ; to [ Thomas Gibson ) , 18 July , 54-5 ...
"No troops in the universe": GW to John Robinson, 25 October 1757, PGWCL 5:33. "the most insolent": GW to Robert Dinwiddie, 24 May 1757, PGWCL 4:163. "plunder, kill": GW to John Robinson, 9 November 1756, PGWCL 4:12.
The book describes in detail the sequence of events through which the crafty half-king manipulated Washington into starting the war he wanted, and by his actions implicated Washington in nothing less than a cold-blooded murder.
A revisionist biography of George Washington chronicles his quarter-century career in public life, from his heroic deeds as a leader through the legacy that has been passed down to his political descendants