In Mythologies Without End, Jerome Slater takes stock of the conflict over time and argues that US policies in the region are largely a product of mythologies that are often flatly wrong. Because of their widespread acceptance, there have been devastating consequences to the true interests of both countries. He argues that a critical examination and refutation of the many mythologies is a necessary first step toward solving the Arab-Israeliconflict.
Updated through the first term of President George W. Bush, this edition analyses how each US president since Lyndon Johnson has dealt with the complex challenge of Arab-Israeli peacemaking.
Gordon to Epstein , 17 June 1940 , and Epstein to Gordon , 17 July 1940 , both in CZA , S25 / 4549 ( Heb . ) . 60. Black , “ Zionism and the Arabs , ” p . 278 . 61. Sasson contracted with one M.N. in Lebanon for the publication of 75 ...
McMahon ( 1862-1949 ) , British High Commissioner in Cairo , negotiated with Sharif Hussein of Mecca . He had approached the High Commissioner in July 1915 , offering Arab aid against Turkey if Britain , in return , would pledge support ...
In response to a surprise incursion by Hezbollah combatants into northern Israel and their abduction of two Israeli soldiers, Israel launched a campaign that included the most complex air offensive to have taken place in the history of the ...
A vivid, intellectual journey through the works of the renowned writer
Anything written today concerning the Jewish nation is significant. But when a book appears from the pen of a scholar such as Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, it becomes significant indeed. This book will stir much thought on the part of readers.
The responsibility for co - ordinating the efforts to advance the peace process fell to the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State , Richard Murphy . He was trying to narrow the gap between what Peres could deliver and what Hussein could ...
The Case for Moral Clarity: Israel, Hamas and Gaza
Initiating. peres in not only a politician for the late twentieth century; he is Cognizant of his responsibility to those who came before and Thos who will follow.
Machomenos gia tēn eirēnē