Why are some countries better than others at science and technology (S&T)? Written in an approachable style, The Politics of Innovation provides readers from all backgrounds and levels of expertise a comprehensive introduction to the debates over national S&T competitiveness. It synthesizes over fifty years of theory and research on national innovation rates, bringing together the current political and economic wisdom, and latest findings, about how nations become S&T leaders. Many experts mistakenly believe that domestic institutions and policies determine national innovation rates. However, after decades of research, there is still no agreement on precisely how this happens, exactly which institutions matter, and little aggregate evidence has been produced to support any particular explanation. Yet, despite these problems, a core faith in a relationship between domestic institutions and national innovation rates remains widely held and little challenged. The Politics of Innovation confronts head-on this contradiction between theory, evidence, and the popularity of the institutions-innovation hypothesis. It presents extensive evidence to show that domestic institutions and policies do not determine innovation rates. Instead, it argues that social networks are as important as institutions in determining national innovation rates. The Politics of Innovation also introduces a new theory of "creative insecurity" which explains how institutions, policies, and networks are all subservient to politics. It argues that, ultimately, each country's balance of domestic rivalries vs. external threats, and the ensuing political fights, are what drive S&T competitiveness. In making its case, The Politics of Innovation draws upon statistical analysis and comparative case studies of the United States, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Turkey, Israel, Russia and a dozen countries across Western Europe.
An International Comparison of Models of Innovation and Their Implications for New Zealand
Public Science - Private View,
The Doomsday Lobby: Hype and Panic from Sputniks, Martians, and Marauding Meteros
Hay varios organismos vinculados a la promoción de la innovación , públicos y privados , en general con fondos ... El magro financiamiento estatal a la I + D nacional y la virtual ausencia de una política pública en la materia ha hecho ...
Colciencias cuarenta años Entre la legitimidad, la normatividad y la práctica Observatorio Colombiano De Ciencia y ... para ser la primera incubadora de empresas en Colombia, cabe mencionar que esta surge como un programa piloto en ...
SABATO , Jorge ( Compilador ) ( 1975 ) : El Pensamiento Latinoamericano en la Problemática Ciencia - Tecnología ... Informe Final : Taller sobre Indicadores de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico y su Utilización en los Estudios de la ...
... les directions de développement de la politique scientifique et technologique , ses méthodes et ses critères . Sous l'effet du milieu social , il se forme un système de valeurs chez les hommes de science et de technologie , et chez ...
Science Fiction and Techno-Science in Non-Aligned India Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee. Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies ... Mike Ashley, Science Fiction Rebels: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1981 to 1990 55.
... Committee - so that , in ... work of the Committee in 2007-08 , HC 49 , para 44 Committee as well as one vacancy caused when Dr Ian 6 The Work of the Committee in 2008-09 Scope of this report The annual Return Membership of the Committee ...
Defying the political authorities, a physicist joins forces with a fellow maverick scientist.