Preceded by Evidence-based public health / Ross C. Brownson ... [et al.]. 2nd ed. 2011.
The authors deal not only with finding and using scientific evidence, but also with implementation and evaluation of interventions that generate new evidence on effectiveness.
Focussing on online research, this text shows readers how to access and interpret public health data.
Coping Power have been tested in Canada, Italy, Pakistan, Sweden, and Puerto Rico, with greater reductions in conduct problems for children in the intervention conditions than in control conditions. These adaptations have ranged from ...
This book explores the complex relationship between public health research and policy, employing tobacco control and health inequalities in the UK as contrasting case studies.
Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response reviews the state of the evidence on PHEPR practices and the improvements necessary to move the field forward and to strengthen the PHEPR system.
This text provides healthcare managers with the knowledge they need.
Translating the evidence from the bedside to populations This sixth edition of the best-selling Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine and Public Health Lecture Notes equips students and health professionals with the basic tools required to ...
Provides critical evidenced based assessements and tools with which to investigate the role of rights abrogation in the health of populations.
Anthropological studies, such as that by Frankel described in The Huli Response to Illness,4 can provide many insights into the human response to disease, illness and treatment, which may be helpful to policy-makers and managers.
Journal of Health Visiting, 1(2), 117–121. Sandel, M., Sheward, R., & Sturtevant, L. (2015). Compounding stress: The timing and duration effects of homelessness on children's health. Insights from Housing Policy Research.